chloroplast development and signalling
during plant adaptations to abiotic stress

Find here our published work. Click on the image to reach the journal website.
primary research
Metal halide perovskite toxicity effects on Arabidopsis thaliana plants are caused by iodide ions (2022)
Eline M. Hutter, Reiny Sangster, Christa Testerink, Bruno Ehrler, Charlotte M. M. Gommers
iScience, Vol. 25(1)
open access
GUN1-independent retrograde signaling targets the ethylene pathway to repress photomorphogenesis (2021)
Charlotte M. M. Gommers, María Águila Ruiz-Sola, Alba Ayats, Lara Pereira, Marta Pujol, Elena Monte
Plant Physiology, Vol. 185(1)
open access
Organ-specific phytohormone synthesis in two Geranium species with antithetical responses to far-red light enrichment (2018)
Charlotte M. M. Gommers, Sara Buti, Danuše Tarkowská, Aleš Pencík, Jason P. Banda, Vincent Arricastres and Ronald Pierik
Plant Direct, Vol. 2 (8)
open access
Circadian Waves of Transcriptional Repression Shape PIF-Regulated Photoperiod-Responsive Growth in Arabidopsis (2018)
Guiomar Martín, Arnau Rovira, Nil Veciana, Judit Soy, Gabriela Toledo-Ortiz, Charlotte M.M. Gommers, Marc Boix, Rossana Henriques, Eugenio G. Minguet, David Alabadí, Karen J. Halliday, Pablo Leivar and Elena Monte
Current Biology, Vol. 28: 311-318
Molecular Profiles of Contrasting Shade Response Strategies in Wild Plants: Differential Control of Immunity and Shoot Elongation (2017)
Charlotte M.M. Gommers, Diederik H. Keuskamp, Sara Buti, Hans van Veen, Iko T. Koevoets, Emilie Reinen, Laurentius A.C.J. Voesenek and Ronald Pierik
The Plant Cell, Vol. 29: 331–344
​open access
Integration of Phytochrome and Cryptochrome Signals Determines Plant Growth during Competition for Light (2016)
Mieke de Wit, Diederik H. Keuskamp, Franca J. Bongers, Patricia Hornitschek, Charlotte M.M. Gommers, Emilie Reinen, Carmen Martínez-Cerón, Christian Fankhauser and Ronald Pierik
Current Biology, Vol. 26: 3320-3326
Perception of low red:far-red ratio compromises both salicylic acid- and jasmonic acid-dependent pathogen defences in Arabidopsis (2013)
Mieke de Wit, Steven H. Spoel, Gabino F. Sanchez-Perez, Charlotte M. M. Gommers, Corne M. J. Pieterse, Laurentius A. C. J. Voesenek and Ronald Pierik
The Plant Journal, Vol. 75: 90-103
​open access
Seedling establishment: a dimmer switch-regulated process between dark and light signaling (2018)
Charlotte M. M. Gommers and Elena Monte
Plant Physiology, Vol. 176: 1061–1074
​open access
Shade tolerance: when growing tall is not an option (2013)
Charlotte M. M. Gommers, Eric J. W. Visser, Kate R. St Onge, Laurentius A. C. J. Voesenek and RonaldPierik
Trends in Plant Science, Vol. 18: 65-71
As an Associate Features Editor (AFE) for the ASPB journal Plant Physiology, I used to publish commentaries or news & views, which appear alongside a research paper. For more information about the AFE's, click here.
To read my contributions, click on the titles below:
The Photobiology Paradox Resolved: Photoreceptors Drive Photosynthesis and Vice Versa (2020)
Charlotte M.M. Gommers
Plant Physiology, Vol. 184: 6-7
Keep Cool and Open Up: Temperature-Induced Stomatal Opening (2020)
Charlotte M.M. Gommers
Plant Physiology, Vol. 182: 1188-1189
Adapting to High Light: At a Different Time and Place? (2020)
Charlotte M.M. Gommers
Plant Physiology, Vol. 182: 10-11
Light triggers the search for light (2019)
Charlotte M.M. Gommers
Plant Physiology, Vol. 180: 695-696
Plastid sulfate transporters open doors to abiotic stress resistance (2019)
Charlotte M.M. Gommers
Plant Physiology, Vol. 180: 12-13
Another gun dismantled: ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE4 is not a target of retrograde signaling (2019)
Amna Mhamdi and Charlotte M.M. Gommers
Plant Physiology, Vol. 179: 13-14
The healing power of light (2018)
Charlotte M. M. Gommers
Plant Physiology, Vol. 178: 9-10
Save time and fish for the clock (2018)
Charlotte M. M. Gommers
Plant Physiology, Vol. 177: 871-872
A spotlight on photobiology (2018)
Charlotte M. M. Gommers and Scott Hayes
Plant Physiology, Vol. 177: 437–438